Compare prices on Multifocal Monthly Lenses

Check prices for various brands of multifocal monthly lenses. The contact lenses are displayed in order of lowest price first.

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Monthly lenses

Monthly lenses, also known as 30-day lenses, are worn for 30 days at a time. Some can also be slept in.

Multifocal contact lenses

Multifocal contact lenses, also known as progressive lenses, are designed for those who have presbyopia (age-related farsightedness).


The displayed price is the cheapest price per month for multifocal monthly lenses. Prices are obtained from a large number of retailers and are updated multiple times a day.

Check prices for various brands of multifocal monthly lenses. The contact lenses are displayed in order of lowest price first.

Compare prices on contact lenses to compare prices of other types of contact lenses, or search in the top right corner to only compare prices of your brand.

The displayed price is the cheapest price for one month's supply.

Monthly lenses

Monthly lenses, also known as 30-day lenses, are worn for 30 days at a time. Some can also be slept in.

Multifocal contact lenses

Multifocal contact lenses, also known as progressive lenses, are designed for those who have presbyopia (age-related farsightedness).


The displayed price is the cheapest price per month for multifocal monthly lenses. Prices are obtained from a large number of retailers and are updated multiple times a day.